
About us

SBS UK was established in 1995 from its premises in Bristol.

We originally only traded hair products from within our high street shop to local customers and then expanded nationally by advertising in fashion magazines to offer a mail order service. Our ranges expanded quickly to include beauty products like designer fragrances, electrical and body care products. Within a couple of years we had already decided to go online with a basic shop listing everything that was available to us. The website changed very quickly over the years as new technology became available and new products pushed us to look for other methods to sell online. An eBay and Amazon shop followed and 20 years later we still offer the same professional service. You can view our website from 1999 onwards on the "Wayback Machine" website at*/

Our portfolio over the years includes being one of the first online retailers to sell Fudge Hair and GHD straighteners.

We provide a good high quality professional internet and high street mail order service, providing you with good quality products, fair postage prices and are registered with the "Information Commissioner's Offices" (Data Protection Act) and comply with not sharing your data with anyone. As we are qualified in the hair industry, our qualifications has allowed us to purchase products from authorised wholesalers so that we can guarantee 100% the authenticity of all the products we retail. Any other practice is strictly against our code of ethics.

We actively work with wholesalers, suppliers, manufacturers and our payment service provider to provide a safe retail experience and will forward any suspicious activities.

We believe that the customer is our number one priority.

We hope you enjoy using our services.


VAT Registration number GB793707980
ICO Registration number Z8940834

Registered Legal Entity
S Parrinello
125 Coldharbour Road
United Kingdom