
Parker Safety Razors

Parker Safety Razors

Launched in 1973, Parker Safety Razors have grown to be a worldwide leader in safety razor innovation and design. Parker Safety Razors come with two cutting sides and are available in three types, butterfly-open, twist-off and three-piece and in three head types: open-comb, closed-comb and slanted. Made from modern materials and etchings that set the brand apart from others on the market today.

When purchasing consider the various lengths, weights, colours, metals and handle textures so suit your shaving style. Making the right choice will result in a safety razor that will last you years.

  • Parker 29L Lavender Texture Long Handle Safety Razor

    Parker 29L Lavender Texture Long Handle Safety Razor

    Parker 29L Lavender Safety Razor is a butterfly open razor and has a longer and thinner textured pink handle which provides excellent grip. It's chrome plated finish and is made from brass. Ideal for use in the shower or bath. Dimensions: Weight: 72 g...

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  • Parker 34R Stainless Steel White Handled Shavette

    Parker 34R Stainless Steel White Handled Shavette

    The Parker 34R White Cut-throat razor is a stainless steel razor that accepts half (snapped) standard safety razor blades. The razor is kept closed by a snap-lock hinged lock, which when unlocked allows the razor to open to change the razor blade...

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  • Parker 76R Black Textured Double Edge Safety Razor

    Parker Safety Razor

    Parker 76R Black Textured Double Edge Safety Razor

    Parker 76R Safety Razor is a 3 piece safety razor with a length of 110mm and weight of 104 gram. It has a textured black handle which provides excellent grip, is chrome plated finished and is made from brass. This type of safety razor has a removable...

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  • Parker 89R Heavy Duty Double Edge Safety Razor

    Parker Safety Razor

    Parker 89R Heavy Duty Double Edge Safety Razor

    The Parker 89R is a heavy weight 3 piece safety razor with a modern styled handle. The handle has finger and thumb cuttings in the the handle for ergonomic grip.The razor is 10cm long and is well balanced for an evenly distributed weight.